Annotated List of Works Consulted


Banks, Elizabeth. Creating Period Gardens. Washington D.C.: The Preservation Press, 1991. A pictorial guidebook of period gardens in England which included landscapes from Medieval to Edwardian times and a directory containing the names original plants and the modern counterparts.

Beretta, Ilva. "The World's a Garden". Stockholm: Uppsala University Press, 1993. The relationship between the literary tradition and the English Renaissance garden is studied in this doctoral thesis.

Dodd, A.H. Elizabethan England. London: B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1961. Professor Dodd describes quotidian life in England during Queen Elizabeth I's reign.

Hobhouse, Penelope. Gardening Through the Ages. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992. The text reviews the history of plants and their influence on garden styles from ancient Egypt through to the present day.

Hunt, John Dixon. Garden and Grove. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. An examination reflecting on the English transformation of the Italian Renaissance garden.

Lacey, Stephen. Gardens of the National Trust. New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1996. A collection of pictures and descriptions of the gardens of Britain's National Trust.

McMurtry, Jo. Understanding Shakespeare's England. Hamden: Archon Books, 1989. A reference book providing a reader with the necessary background of English life in the sixteenth century.

Strong, Roy. Renaissance Garden in England. London: Thames and Hudson, 1979. A definitive source on the subject. Text found in bibliography of every other source consulted.

For additional resource material, contact Kathy Emerson
